- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper reviews the interrelationships between distribution of volcanoes and seismicity of the mantle in Japan, which suggest a common origin of primary basalt magmas with mantle earthquakes. The basic geographical information for Quaternary volcanoes in Japan is illustrated by a map and summarized in a table. These volcanoes are grouped into two volcanic belts: East Japan volcanic belt and West Japan volcanic belt. Near the border on the oceanic side of the volcanic belts the population of volucanoes is densest. The oceanic-side border of a volucanic belt is called volcanic front. The depth of mantle earthquake foci under the volcanic front is about 120 to 140km. Toward the continental side of the front, the volcanoes are distributed more sparsely and the mantle earthquake foci are deeper (Fig. 2). Another relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes is that the foci of the shallower shocks in the mantle are associated with the volcanoes derived from the more silicious and less alkaline basalt magma and those of deeper shocks with those from the less silicious and more alkaline basalt magma (Fig. 3). The third relationship is a complementary distribution of the volcanoes to the epicenters of the mantle earthquakes (Figs. 4 and 5). It is suggested that the generation of primary basalt magma and the occurrence of earthquakes in the upper mantle have a common source of energy in a common zone. This is probably responsible for all of island arcs.
- 1965-12-20
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