148 Study on time to complete an injection and injection pain when using an auxiliary device exclusively for pen-type injection
- Men with Pituitary Dwarfism and Gonadotropin Deficiency Successfully Fathered Children Following HCG-HMG Treatment
- Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment in Achondroplasia
- Transgenic Mice Expressing A Mutant Human GH Gene Causing Type II IGHD
- Genetic and Phenotypic Analysis of Japanese IGHD Type II Patients Caused by Splicing Mutations in the GH-1 Gene
- Familial Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency: Genetics and Pathophysiology
- Mutations in Intron 3 of GH-I Gene in Japanese Families with Isolated GH Deficiency Inherited in an Autosomal Dominant Manner
- Screening for Mutations in the GH-1 Gene by Dideoxy Fingerprinting (ddf)
- Detection of Growth Hormone Gene Defects by Dideoxy Fingerprinting (ddF)
- Transmission of Del(X)(p11.2) from Mother to Daughter
- Bone Mineral Density in Adult Patients with Turner's Syndrome : Analyses of the Effectiveness of GH and Ovarian Steroid Hormone Replacement Therapies
- 148 Study on time to complete an injection and injection pain when using an auxiliary device exclusively for pen-type injection
- Favorable Impact of Growth Hormone Treatment on Cholesterol Levels in Turner Syndrome