Effect of Cr and Cu Addition on Corrosion Behavior of Ni-Ti Alloys
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The corrosion behavior of three Ni-Ti alloys with compositions as commercial super-elastic orthodontic wires was investigated using polished plate specimens. Corrosion resistance was estimated by potentiodynamic polarization measurement in 0.9% NaCl and 1% lactic acid solutions and analysis of released metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The influence of Cr and Cu addition on the structure of the surface oxide film was examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Addition of 0.19 at% Cr had little effect on the structure of the oxide films and the corrosion resistance of the Ni-Ti alloys. For Ni-Ti-5Cu-0.3Cr alloy, the metallic Cu was enriched at the alloy/oxide film interface, resulting in increased susceptibility to pitting corrosion above +1000 mV. However, the passive current density and the amount of released Ni were not signigicantly increased by the addition of Cu. The study showed that small amounts of Cr and Cu added to change the super-elastic characteristics do not change the corrosion resistance of the Ni-Ti alloy freely immersed in simulated physiological environments.
- 日本歯科理工学会の論文
飯嶋 雅弘
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido
飯島 雅弘
飯嶋 雅弘
北海道医療大学歯学部口腔構造・機能発育学系 歯科矯正学分野
Endo Kazuhiko
Division Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Department Of Oral Rehabilitation School Of Dentistry He
Endo Kazuhiko
Silicon Systems Research Laboratories Nec Corporation
Endo Kazuhiko
Department Of Dental Materials Science School Of Dentistry Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
OHNO Hiroki
Department of Dental Materials Science, School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido,
Endo Kazuhiko
Department Of Dental Materials Science Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido School Of Dentistry
Endo Kazuhiko
Department Of Dental Materials Science School Of Dentistry Health Science University Of Hokkaido
Ohno Hiroki
北海道医療大学 歯学部歯科矯正学
Ohno H
Division Of Biomaterials And Bioengineering Department Of Oral Rehabilitation School Of Dentistry He
Ohno Hiroki
Department Of Biology Kyoto University Of Education
IIJIMA Masahiro
Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Mizoguchi I
Division Of Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics Department Of Oral Growth And Development Schoo
Mizoguchi Itaru
Department Of Orthodontics School Of Dentistry Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
Iijima Masahiro
Division Of Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics Department Of Oral Growth And Development Schoo
Iijima Masahiro
Department Of Neurology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
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