Effect of Denture Cleaner using Ozone against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli Ti Phage
- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the bactericidal and virucidal effectiveness of a denture cleaner that uses ozone (ozone concentration, 10 ppm) against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and T1 phage, respectively. In the bactericidal activity test, with the ozone supply turned on, the number of bacteria was 3.1 × 10^3 CFU/mL at the beginning of the experiment, fell to 1.0 × 10^0 CFU/mL 10 min later, and was 1.0 × 10^0 CFU/mL or less afterwards. In contrast, when the ozone supply was cut off (air bubble only), the number of bacteria was 3.4 × 10^3 CFU/mL at the beginning of the experiment, and had fallen to 3.0 × 10^3 CFU/mL 60 min later (no statistically significant difference). In the virucidal activity test, the number of phages was 1.2 × 10^6 PFU/mL before ozone treatment, fell to about 1/10 of that number 10 min later, and was 6.1 × 10^0 PFU/mL 40 min later. These results indicate that the use of ozone in this denture cleaner is effective against MRSA and viruses.
- 日本歯科理工学会の論文
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Sangyo University
Ito Yutaka
Department Of Fixed Prosthodontics Aichi-gakuin University School Of Dentistry
Ito Yutaka
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University:research Group For Bio-macromolecular Structur
Ito Yutaka
Department Of Fixed Prosthodontics
Ito Yutaka
Department Of Fixed Prosthodontics School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University
KAWAI Tatsushi
Dental Material Science, School of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University
Kawakami Toshiyuki
Inst. For Oral Sci. & High-tech Center Matsumoto Dental Univ.
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics
2nd Department of Prosthodontics
KAWAI Tatsushi
Department of Dental Material Science
Kawai Tatsushi
Department Of Dental Material Science School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Kawai Tatsushi
Hard Tissue Pathology Unit Matsumoto Dental University Graduate School Of Oral Medicine
Murakami Hiroshi
Department Of Endocrinology Clinical Institute Of Endocrinology Tokyo Women's Medical Universit
Hasegawa Jiro
Department Of Dental Material Science:division Of Biomaterials Research Institute Of Advanced Oral S
Hasegawa Jiro
Department Of Dental Material Science School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Kawai Tatsushi
Aichi‐gakuin Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Kawai Tatsushi
Department Dental Materials Science School Of Dentistry Aichi-gakuin University
Ito Yutaka
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University:crest Jst
Murakami Hiroshi
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Hirosaki University Graduate School Of Medicine
Hasegawa Jiro
Department Of Dental Material Science School Of Dentistry Aichi Gakuin Univ.
Ito Yutaka
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Metropolitan University
Murakami Hiroshi
Department Of Fixed Prosthodontics:division Of Biomaterials Research Institute Of Advanced Oral Scie
Murakami Hiroshi
Department Of Biochemistry And Cell Biology Graduate School Of Medicine Nagoya City University
Murakami Hiroshi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Nagoya Institute of Technology
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