Experiments on Attenuation of Weak Shock Waves in High-Speed Train Tunnels
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Experimental studies on weak shock wave attenuation in high-speed train tunnels were conducted using a 1 / 250-scaled train tunnel simulator and a shock tube. Three kinds of porous / perforated walls installed in the test section of the simulator near its exit were examined. Installing aluminum foam or porous plastic on the wall clearly decreased the pressure gradient of the wave front. The processes of the shock wave attenuation were visualized by holographic interferometer. A significant decrease in the overpressure was obtained by installing perforations along the simulator wall. However, with the short perforation section of 0.5m, the pressure gradient of the shock wave remained steep. Through the series of the experiment and theoretical consideration, it is found that the length of the perforated / porous section is one of the most essential parameters to effectively attenuate the shock wave.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
TAKAYAMA Kazuyoshi
Shock Wave Research Center, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Takayama K
Tohoku Univ.
佐宗 章弘
Sasoh Akihiro
Shock Wave Research Center Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
Takayama Kazuyoshi
Shock Wave Research Center Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
Matsuoka Kei
Shock Wave Research Center Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
Matsuoka Kei
Department Of Geosystem Engineering The University Of Tokyo
East Japan Railway CO., Ltd.
ONO Shigeaki
East Japan Railway CO., Ltd.
MAKINO Yoshihiro
East Japan Railway CO., Ltd.
OOTSUKA Katsuhisa
Mitsubishi Electric Co.
Sasoh Akihiro
Shock Wave Research Cener Institute Of Fluid Science Tohoku University
Hirano Sadao
East Japan Railway Co. Ltd.
Ono Shigeaki
East Japan Railway Co. Ltd.
Makino Yoshihiro
East Japan Railway Co. Ltd.
Sasou Akihiro
Shock Wave Research Center, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
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