Effect of Intermittent Supplementation with Selenate on Selenium Status of Rats Fed Selenium-Deficient Diet
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To examine the selenium (Se) status of rats intermittently supplemented with Se, we measured tissue Se contents and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities in rats fed a Se-deficient diet intermittently supplemented with selenate. In experiment 1, four groups of male 4-wk-old Wistar rats were fed a Torula yeast-based Se-deficient diet (Se content, <0.01μg/g) for 28 d. During the experimental period, the diet of each group was supplemented with sodium selenate (0.17μg Se/g) for 0, 1, 2 or 7 d/wk. The tissue Se contents and GPx activities both increased gradually with an increase in frequency of the selenate supplementation, and significant linear regressions were observed between the frequency and these Se indices. In particular, the correlation coefficient in the liver and plasma indices was nearly equal to a value of 1.0. In experiment 2, three groups of rats were fed the Se-deficient basal diet for 28 d. Among these, one group was daily supplemented with sodium selenate to the Se-deficient diet at a level of 0.17μg Se/g, and another group was intermittently supplemented with the selenate at a level of 1.19μg Se/g for 1 d/wk. The tissue Se contents and GPx activities both were increased by the selenate supplementation and no significant difference was observed between daily and weekly supplementation in the Se indices except in erythrocyte Se. These results indicate that Se status in the growth period is dependent on total Se intake in this period and that weekly intermittent supplementation with Se can maintain adequate Se status.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
YOSHIDA Munehiro
Laboratory of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering, Kan
Department of Public Health, Kansai Medical University
Laboratory of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering, Kan
Fukunaga K
Laboratory Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Faculty Of Chemistry Materials And Bioengineering Kansai
Yoshida Munehiro
Laboratory Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Faculty Of Chemistry Materials And Bioengineering Kansai
Yoshida Munehiro
Laboratory Of Food And Nutritional Science Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Kansai
Nishiyama Toshimasa
Department Of Public Health Kansai Medical University
Nishiyama Toshimasa
Department Of Parasitology Nara Medical University
Laboratory of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Ka
Sugihara Satoru
Laboratory Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Kansa
Fukunaga Kenji
Laboratory Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Kansa
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