- 論文の詳細を見る
The quality and quantity of welfare in Japan for people with mental handicaps are miserable. There are severe discrimination and prejudice toward those people in the community, among themselves, and by professionals. In this severe situation, an empowerment approach is required now. It is the approach through the individual, the group, and the political levels for the stigmatized, and disempowered people. Its aims are not only to change the individual, but also to change the systems of the society and its foundation is the trust in the individual to have power, possibilities, and rights. But they have been emphasized in social work throughout its history. In particular, community work-places for people with mental handicaps have been established through grass roots efforts and they have a history of demanding that the government and the public acknowledge their existence. This is the political aspect of empowerment. Nevertheless, empowerment has not been fully accomplished. There are many criticisms that social work has not carried out its functions. Critics argue that it is professionals and the traditional mental health systems that disempower people with mental handicaps. In this paper, review of empowerment theory and the organization of the concept is mentioned. To fulfill the potential for empowerment in Japan's mental health field, three paradigm shifts are needed. One shift which must occur is in the power balance between people with mental handicaps and the mental health professionals. The second is in the professionals' perception of people with mental handicaps. The third is in practice through the political level.
- 2004-03-25
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