Interview survey of leaders of economic world in Singapore : general manager of EDB, chairman of Keppel Corporation Limited, managing director of Singapore Airlines
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Singapore has some problems, of which important ones are a shortage of labor of high quality and a rise of protectionism in foreign countries. EDB carries out education and training programs and SIA has an own school to train staff and employees, as a counter -measure to solve the problem of the shortage of labor. EDB, SIA and Keppel enforce an automation for the same object. So as to overcome protectionism, EDB makes an effort to let foreign companies come to here and to make Singapore an important strategic node of global companies by offering various infra-structures. Thereby it aims at a spontaneous technologytransfer. Way of thinking of "problem is challenge" and "customer is supreme", and an attitude of competitiveness are listed up as strengths of Singapore.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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