- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of this paper is to delinate the geographical region of feudatory of Hiroshima ruled by Asano family through Tokugawa shogunate era. Castle towns in Japan have been taken up as a typical planned city in feudal times. From socio-economic point of views in various disciplines and little attentions has been paid to spatial structure of its developmental processes. In this treatise, auther has tried to make clear major land-use patterns on block level and relevancy to occupation structure in Hiroshirna castle town in order to identify geographic region by showing a detailed intra-urban structure. For that purpose, auther reexamined various historical maps by map reading and fact findings were reduced to some geographical concepts as follows; 1) Castle istself and warrior's (Samural) quarter adjacent to it had been a pivotal center of feudal territory as weu as castle town through Edo era. 2) Merchant districts and its neighbourhood were divided into several parts by feudal lord. These districts were locally called machi-ju, exempt irom paying land rent. Merchant and artisan class, instead, was forced to pay in term of silver. Mairily because deltaic alluvial plain had to be expanded for further development policy-measures, the lord hammered out zoning scheme prescribing land use patterns, as 1) Core district comprising Castle, warrior's quarters, and merchant-artisan districts, 2) built-up area, in which newly established settlements adjoining to core district were included on the reclaimed deltaic flood plain. Land rent was levied after a few years since when new commers settled own in these district: Core district, built-up area and its adjacent arable lands on out skirts of the delta come under the jurisdiction of ad hoc administrative district, Iocally called Hiroshima-Fu. In conclusion, formal (administrative) region was critically scrutinized by applying category-wise occupa-tional composition, ratio of each blocks in each district and ratio of spatial contiguity to historical maps prepared in 17th to 19th. Feudatory of Hiroshima ruled by Asano family can be classified into four substantive regions as follows; 1) Core district of Castle town 2) built-up district of Castle town 3) ad-hoc administrative district 4) and finally Feudatory of Hiroshima (Asano family) Castle town
- 地理科学学会の論文
- 1992-04-28
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