- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper Is to discuss the dimensionality of time-space. In this paper, the dimensionality has two senses as follows: 1) The number of dimensions. 2) The interpretability of each dimension. The time-space is reconstructed from the time-distance matrix between forty six cities which are the prefectual capitals in Japan, under the assumption that one travels between cities by the Japanese National Railways only. The time-distance matrix is constructed by three ways as follows: l) 1961, using the conventional lines only. 2) 1980, including the Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansen, the trunk line with very high speed. 3) The year after the Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkansen is opened. The Torgerson's metric MDS procedure is applied for the reconstruction of time-space. In each case of three as before, two or three dimensions of time-space are necessary and sufficient in order to reconstruct the time-distance matrix. Then considering how these dimensions are interpreted, the correlation analysis is applied. That is, correlation coefficients are measured between the coordinate of the first, second or third dimension of time-space and the relative goodness-of-fit on each city; the relative goodness-of-fit is measured between the input of time-distance and the time-distance in the reconstructed time-space. The results are poor. Obvious relationships are not discovered. However, in this paper, the viewpoints of dimensionality of time space may be clear.
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- Wilson, A.G. and Kirkby, M.J., Mathematics for Geographers and Planners., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1975, xvi+325pp, £3.00, 邦価2,361円
- 主旨説明 (「地理学における情報化のあり方を考える」 : 1996年度秋季学術大会シンポジウム)