イランにおける家内工業の地域性の消滅と「絨毯モノカルチュア」の進展 : 1956, 1966, 1976年センサスを基に
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This study examines the geographical diffusion of the household industry in Iran on the basis of national censuses of 1956, 1966 and 1976. I hope to identify first, in a rough way, a beginning of disappearance of regional variety of household industry. And finally I sketch out the process of homogeneization of household industry by the Persian carpet production. According to the difference of physical environment and condition of agricultural production, there has been very regional difference of these industries in Iran. There has been two worlds of household industries which on one hand spinning and weaving industry has flourished in the eastern region of Iran, on the other hand carpet industry had flourished in the western. So we can distinguish these regionalities in the 1956 census. However, in the 1966 these remarkable features were undermined very much because without carpet industry household industries (in especial weaving industry) experienced dramatically decline. While regional specialization also had disappeared throughout Iran, new space of household industry by carpet production had appeared till the 1976. Carpet production closely has been linked with markets of developed countries. The growth of new household industry and the monoculturalization by carpet industry clearly implied the fact that through carpet production every household were directly linked with global demand.
- 地理科学学会の論文
- 2004-04-28
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