東京大都市圏における社会・経済的地域構造の変容 : 1975-1985年
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate changes in regional structure based on socio-economic chracteristics in the Tokyo metropolitan area by using multivariate analysis. The authors used the same method as Saitoh (1982). The method of the study is as follows: The factor analysis is applied to the date matrix of 1985, which contains 299 municipal districts in columns and 58 variables in rows. These fifty-eight variables refer to socio-econmic characterisitics of municipal district such as, household, age structure, population change, industrial structure, density of establishment by industry, educational level, housing conditions and so on (Table 1). The Ward's cluster analysis is applied to the standardized scores of the seven common factors. The authors intended to make a comparison the findings with those of 1975 which were investigated by Saitoh(1982). The main results are summarized as follows: 1) The first factor which explains about 38 per cent of the total variance is interpreted as the agglomeration of the tertiary industries such as commercial activities and financial activities (Table 2). The second factor (explained 15 per cent) is interpreted as the white collar residence. The loading value of each variable for the first factor in 1985 shows a similar tendency to that of the second factor in 1975 (Table 2). The same may be said of the second factor in 1985 and the first factor in 1975. Therefore, in can be considered that the order of the two main factors hasbeen reversed between 1975 and 1985 (Table 5). 2) The spatial distribution of standardized factor score for the agglomeration of the tertiary industries shows a distinct distant-decay pattern, that is, a concentric zone pattern (Fig. 1 and Table 3). It is recognized that the districts showing the highest positive scores of this factor have expanded to the area adjacent to the Tokyo CBD. 3) The spatial distributions of factor score for the white collar residence in 1975 and 1985 reveal that the districts showing the highest positive scores have shifted from the zone 10-20 km away to the zone 20-40 km away, especially to the zone in western and southern sectors of the Tokyo metropolitan area (Fig. 2) 4) The authors did not recognize the changes in the concentric zone structure and the sectoral structure which were the basic frameworks of the regional structure based on socio-economic chracteristics in the Tokyo metropolitan area, notwithstanding the above changes (Fig 5).
- 地理科学学会の論文
- 1990-04-28
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