萩市三見浦における「産地型行商人」の生成過程 : 漁村民の空間行動研究の一例として
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The aim of this study is to clarify the formation of peddling system and its development in Fish produsing area. The results obtained from the case study in Sanmiura, Hagi-city are summarized as follows : 1. The development of the peddling activities is divided into the folbwing periods; a) the frst stage (before 1945) as the starting period, b) the second stage (1945-1955) as the confirsing period after the Second World War, c) the third stage (after 1955) to the decline. 2. The peddling areas showed remarkable expansion in the second stage. This change was caused by the transpontation method of Peddlers. In the frst stage, Peddlers named Shl~a hawked on foot, but after 1945 they became to move by railroads. In the third stage, the peddling areas remained unchanged. 3. The backgrounds which produced peddlers in this district were the succession ofShl~a tradition and the scarcity of employment. The opportunities for peddlers to select the establishment of their trade and the peddling places were recognized as the following four patterns ; a) obtaining customers from their mothers, friends and acquaintances, b) being recommended to the peddling places by the people mentioned above, c) accepting the demands of consumers, d) seeking customers by their own efforts. 4. 28 peddlers in this district visit the following places; a) areas along the Mine Line, b) old town within Hagi-city, c) rural viuages back of Saumiura, d) Masuda and Gotsu cities, e) other regions. These peddling areas are limited by the elements of time and distance and the competition with peddlers from other districts.