古代安芸における地方官衙の復原 : 佐伯・安芸両郡を事例として
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The political foundation in ancient Aki (now western part of Hiroshima prefecture) was formed by the local dominant clans. The first clan, called Aki-no-kuni-no-mryatsuko (安芸国造) dominanated old family s called Amabe (海部) "Lebensraum". The second clan was the so-called Sae(i)ki-be (左伯部) who tried to maintain control over the Setouchi Inland Sea and restrain Kibi(吉備)'s power in the east, and was dispositioned by the central noble Ohtomo (大伴). Lastly, Ohshi-no-atai (凡直) clan executed regional government to follow the above territory at Ritsuryo^- (律令) era (A.D. 8th century). With reference to the above historical situation, this paper attempts to analyze the location, structure and planning of the provincial offices -Saiki-gunga (左伯郡衙), Aki-gunga (安芸郡衙) and Aki-kolufu (安芸国府)- by the cadastral research on the geomorphological survey. 1) Saiki-gunga was located in the lower parts of the alluvial fan formed by the Yahata-gawa river. This fan was deposited after the Yayoi era (before Ritsuryo^- era) and remained the Jo^-ri (条理) footpath. The ancient seashore probably had a 10 meter contour line of today, because the archaeological sites located in Yayoi era had a 20 meter line, the Jo^-ri remains do not exist the south part (near the Ko^-ri-bashi (郡橋) bridge) and the south area was developed after middle ages. On this part remain the place names of Ko^-ri-chimei-gun (郡地名郡) as Gunga, divided 4 cho^-s (丁) square following better 40 kens (間) partition (N32°E) than 60 kens (=106 meters) on the Jo^-ri system. 2) Aki-gunga is likely to have appeared at Saiki-gunga. The archaeological sites in this area situat on the alluvial fan formed by the Misoo-gawa river. This area is comprehended two blocks of settlements by the cadastral maps at Meiji era. The former one on the south part area was divided 3 cho^-s square following 60 kens (N20°W) - or maybe 4 cho^-s - on Jo^-ri system as Gunga for the place name of Ohtoshi (大年) as the warehouse. The latter one was divided 4 cho^-s square following 40 kens partition (N5°W), because a few wells on the spring belt and the place names in reference to Kokufu, for example Kokuchyo^- (国丁), Tadokoro-nawate (田所縄手) and So^-ia (総社). Finally, the Gunga's partition was based on the Jo^-ri system. After, Kokufu's one was enforced differ from basic direction. Both offices were probably completed at Ritsuryo^- era. Their location showed a Nodal function between the inland traffic system and the marine transportation system based on the above political background.
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- 古代安芸における地方官衙の復原 : 佐伯・安芸両郡を事例として