- 論文の詳細を見る
The writer clarified in the former paper (Nakayama, 1975) that the villagers, especially those agriculturists in the Gaggarbhana, Amritsar District, used to visit three different market towns according to their selective demand for the manufacturing goods and its service functions. These three market towns were Baba Bakala, Mehta and Raya in Amritsar District. The purpose of the present paper is to clarify the pattern of difference and their causes in the concentration of the manufacturing goods and its service functions in each of the above market towns. Data was collected during our geographical field research held in November, 1972 as a part of the research project in which Prof. H. Ishida of Hiroshima University commanded the project team. The main theme of this project was "The Village in Northwestern India: A Geographical Study". The comparative geographical method was introduced in the present paper for the basic analysis of data. The manufacturing, processing, commercial and public functions were grouped into four major, eight sub-major and sixteen minor groups. One of the important process of grouping was to settle the basic goods and the modernised one. Those goods needed for keeping the traditional rural life as well as agricultural system were grouped into the basic goods. On the other hand, the modernised were given to those goods needed for the modernisation of rural life and the radical change of agricultural system with the modern technics. The total number of shops, workshops, offices and other establishments located in each market town is 151 at Baba Bakala, 224 at Mehta and 247 at Raya respectively. The relative concentration of modernised functions dominated most at Raya, followed by Mehta, then Baba Bakala. Relatively, the basic establishments were concentrated in Baba Bakala. For villagers of Gaggarbhana to get to each of these market towns they have to cover a distance of 7 kms. in order to reach Baba Bakala, 7. 5kms. to Mehta and 12 kms. to Raya. This distance means that the contemporary popular transportation system, that is the bullock-cart, makes possible the one day return journey from the villlage to the market towns. The writer concludes that the striking difference in the concentration of the manufacturing activities and its service functions in the three market towns is a reflection of the development stage of rural economy in the study area. At the present stage the modernised functions of the manufacturing activities and its services concentrate in the market towns more actively than those of the basic one. Localization of the basic activity such as an artisan work in the village is making another progress recently. This process should be analysed in the following points: Agricultural production increased its tempo very rapidly in recent years. This rapid progress in agricultural production was realised through the "Green Revolution" since 1966 in the study area. In this development process both of the traditional and modern technics in agriculture were taken in the manner of almost same weight. However it is safely said that the traditional technics were intensified more by the agriculturist with small plots, because of its low operational cost for making progress in agriculture. Therefore, the traditional artisan work such as carpently and blacksmithy are needed in the village level more than before. On the other hand, the modern technics were introduced mainly by the progressive farmers who needed the modernised manufacturing goods and its services such as tractor selling and servicing. These modernised services concentrate into the market towns for its relatively high quality of service and the limitation of marketing area.
- 地理科学学会の論文
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- 地理教育研究会編, 「国際化」時代と地理教育, 古今書院, 1989, 216p., 2,000円
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- 解説
- I.G.U."開発途上の国々における工業化"部会報告 : 第11回第2次インド調査報告
- R. L. Singh, BANGALORE : An Urban Survey, TARA PUBLICATIONS, Varanasi-INDIA, 1964, 165頁, 44図, 写真12頁, 邦価 2,268円
- ヨーロッパ地域とアジア太平洋地域におけるDESD国別指標開発の地域プロジェクトに関する比較
- 泉貴久・梅村松秀・福島義和・池下誠編, 『社会参画の授業づくり-持続可能な社会に向けて-』, 古今書院, 2012年, 134p., 3200円, ISBN978-4-7722-5256-1
- 地理教育国際憲章 : 1992年8月制定 : 国際地理学連合・地理教育委員会編