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A polllen analysis was made on Pleistocene lake deposit collected from the Yoshiwa basin, Hiroshima prefecture. The pollen sequence of the site is divided into two pollen Periods (Period I and Period II). Period I, the lowest is characterized by abundant sub-alpine conifer in which the leading elements are Picea, Pinus (Haploxiron type), Abies, and Tsuga. The abundant Picea pollen indicate that the sub -alpine forest developed in colder climate than that of present time. From this fact, it may be said that the Pleistocene lake deposit in the Yoshiwa basin have been deposited under cold climate as well as other Pleistocene lake deposits in Chugoku region. The opening of Period II is marked by the abrupt decline of sub-alpine elements and the increase of temperate elements. The increase of temperate elements in which the leading elements are Fagus, Acer, Fraxinus, and Symplocos, represents a warming of climate.
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