- 論文の詳細を見る
Conventional laminectomy is normally performed in patients with lumbar hernia, degenerative lumbar canal stenosis, and spinal tumors. Postoperative CT scans show moderate to severe atrophy of the posterior lumbar muscles. Preservation and reconstruction of the bony components has been the primary consideration with certain types of laminoplasty indicated including expansive open-door laminoplasty, the spinous-process-splitting method and en bloc laminoplasty. On the other hand, associated soft tissues such as muscles and ligaments have not been considerated an important element of the spine. In this study, we report on multi-level lumbar laminectomy to preserve the maximum amount of posterior suppporting tissue. The period of this study was from July 1996 to December 1999, during which this method was performed on 58 patients (mean age 62.8 years, ages ranging from 48-78) with 8 lumbar disc hernia, and 50 lumbar canal stenosis. In conclusion, our method causes minimal injury to soft tissue (supra and inter-spinous ligaments), and will help prevent distortion of the spine and instability. Facetectomy is minimized compared with hemilaminectomy and bilateral facetectomy. This method brings an improvement to the daily quality of life of the patient and shortens the period during which a lumbar corset must be worn.
- 日本脊髄外科学会の論文
- 2001-07-31
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