- 論文の詳細を見る
At 01 : 47 a.m. of 21 September 1999,local time, the great earthquake with Magnitude 7.7 in Richter Scale occurred in the central Taiwan. More than 2,200 people were killed and about 10,000 buildings were totally destroyed. Lifeline facilities such as bridges, railways, electric supply systems and dams were also severely damaged. The most significant feature of the earthquake is that the very large fault dislocation is observed by the inter-plate type earthquake which occurred in the land close to urban areas. This type of earthquake could be one of the worst scenario earthquakes in Japan in future. The Monbu-sho, the Ministry responsible for Science, Education, Sports and Culture in Japan dispatched a survey team for investigation of earthquake, ground motion, damages and learning lessons from the disaster. This is a preliminary report of the site investigation by the reconnaissance team. The details of the investigation will be compiled in the final report.
- 2000-02-29
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