桜島南岳からの降灰による作物生育被害に関する研究 : (1)降灰被害の発現様式に関する実験的解析
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The occurrence mechanisms of crop growth damage due to ash fall were examined experimentally. When volcanic ash was mixed into arable soil, the crop growth was reduced with increasing in its amount because of the deterioration in physical and chemical properties of soil. When the normal soil was arranged concentrically around the main root of a crop, the improvement effect by soil admixing could be found on the smaller replacement. The crop growth was also inhibited when volcanic ash accumulated on and above leaves. The negative effect by shading was dependent on its percentage and duration. These results suggest a possibility of simplified soil admixing and necessity of excluding volcanic ash from covering surface without delay.
- 日本自然災害学会の論文
- 1998-08-31
- 1991年台風17号・19号による水稲の潮風害の実態
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