- 論文の詳細を見る
An unfavorable and characteristic smell is often formed in non-pasteurized sake during storage and commercial distribution at room temperature. We named this smell mureka and analyzed it by GC and GC-MS together with the use of two newly developed injector systems : a thermal desorption cold trap injector (TCT) and a purge and cold trap injector (PTI) for concentrating volatiles. Three compounds causing mureka were isolated from lower volatiles and were identified as iso-valeraldehyde (i-Val), ethyl iso-valerate (EtOVal) and 1,1-diethoxy-3-methylbutane (1,1-DEB) from their GC retention times and mass spectra. Threshold values of these three compounds and their rates of contribution to the intensity and similarity of mureka were studied using sensory evaluation methods. The threshold values of i-Val, EtOVal and 1,1-DEB in sake were determined to be 1.8,0.5 and 1.2 ppm, respectively. i-Val alone contributed to the intensity, while EtOVal and 1,1-DEB contributed to the similarity of mureka. Changes in mureka compounds under various storage conditions were measured by the PTI system and GC-MS. The results showed that the compounds were prevented from increasing by ultrafiltration or pasteurization of the sake and that they were repressed during storage at high temperatures of 40℃ or 50℃. A clear relationship was observed between a decrease in the i-amylalcohol (i-AmOH) concentration and an increase in the concentration of i-Val, suggesting the existence of a particular enzymatic oxidation pathway converting i-AmOH into i-Val in non-pasteurized sake. From an experiment in which i-Val was added to sake, EtOVal and 1,1-DEB were thought to be formed from i-Val by enzymatic and chemical reactions, respectively.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1995-05-25
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