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A magnitude 8.0 earthquake occurred at the south off Hokkaido in the early morning of September 26 and was named as Tokachi-oki Earthquake of 2003. This is a typical interplate earthquake occurring at the subduction zone of the Pacific Plate. The same type previous earthquake occurred in 1952 and a reoccurrence of this earthquake has been anticipated. Wide areas of Hokkaido and northeastern part of Tohoku district are affected due to this earthquake reflecting its large magnitude of 8.0. However, maximum intensity remained up to 6-minor in JMA scale, equivalent to 9 in MM scale, and damages are limited. Tsunami was accompanied and 2 to 4 meters waves attacked costal area of Hokkaido. Two anglers were missing by this tsunami. Fortunately nobody was killed but more than 800 peoples were injured at indoor space under dark condition. Only 59 housing were totally damaged and most of these were overage ones. Liquefactions were found in wide areas and roads and river banks were suffered.
- 2003-11-30
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