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Fluorescein (FL) and H_2O_2 rapidly permeated into the inner phase of liposome which trapped horseradish peroxidase (HRP), to initiate HRP-catalyzed FL chemiluminescence (CL) with H_2O_2. The CL intensity was dependent on the concentration of H_2O_2. The optimum conditions of charge-type, composition and diameter of liposome in the assay of H_2O_2 were determined by measuring the CL intensity, to be maximal under optimum conditions. Anionic liposome containing phosphatidylcholine, dimyristoyl-glycero-phosphocholine and cholesterol (Chol) was effective for enhancing the CL intensity and stability of liposome. The CL intensity decreased with an increase in the content of Chol in liposome. The optimal content of Chol was thus determined to be 10mol%. The effect of the liposome size on the CL intensity was examined by preparing liposomes with a different diameter. The CL intensity increased with an increase in the diameter of liposome. The optimal diameter of liposome was thus determined to be 1000nm. The logarithmic calibration curve of H_2O_2 was linear over the range from the detection limit of 4.0×10^<-8>M up to 1.0×10^<-5>M. When HRP trapped in liposome was used as a catalyst, the CL intensity was greater than that observed by using HRP dissolved in the bulk solution in the range of 4.0×10^<-7>M up to 1.0×10^<-5>M of H_2O_2.
- 2005-06-05
谷 博文
上舘 民夫
石田 晃彦
谷 博文
Division Of Biotechnology And Molecular Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
上館 民夫
石田 良樹
石田 晃彦
上舘 民夫
北大 大学院
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