- 論文の詳細を見る
Pretreatment methods for the determination of mineral contents in a sample with a small amount of materials, such as a single grain of rice, were investigated. To pretreat a large number of samples with a small amount of materials simultaneously, two kinds of wet-digestion methods, nitric acid- hydrogen peroxide or nitric acid-perchloric acid, using a borosilicate glass test tube and a dry-blockbath, were tested. In digestion with nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide, the temperature of the dry-blockbath was maintained at 150℃, while in digestion with nitric acid-perchloric acid, the temperature was raised up to 250℃ in the final step to evaporate perchloric acid. These methods enabled us to digest 32 samples simultaneously in 2hours. Sample solutions were analyzed by ICP-AES. When nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide was used, the values of P, K, Mg, Ca, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu measured in about 20mg (corresponding to a single grain of rice) of the certified reference material (NIES No.10 Rice Flour-Unpolished) were in good agreement with the certified values. The RSD of the measured values of Fe and Cu were larger than those of other minerals due to the low contents. When nitric acid-perchloric acid was used, the measured value of Mn was low. A high temperature (250℃) was considered to lead to a loss of Mn. By using a digestion method with nitric acid-hydrogen peroxide, we investigated the variations in the mineral contents in 100 single grains of unpolished and polished rice, "Nipponbare" (Oryza sativa) japonica cultivar, which grew in the same field. Each 2σ value of unpolished rice corresponded to about 15 % of the average concentration values of P, K, Mg and ranged from 20 to 40% of the average concentration values of Ca, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1997-10-05
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- 食品
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