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This paper describes a dissolution method for La-Sr-Ga-Nb (LSGN) oxide samples, which are hardly decomposed by conventional acid treatments. The LSGN oxides are not dissolved in any acid solution and do not undergo fusion with alkaline reagents, such as Na_2CO_3. However, the sample can undergo fusion with Na_2B_4O_7 powder. A sample (50 mg) was fused with 1 g of Na_2B_4O_7 in a Pt crucible, whose inside wall was covered with pre-melted Na_2B_4O_7 (1g). The melted product was cooled and then dissolved with a mixture of 30 ml HNO_3 (1:1), 2.5ml H_2O_2, and 1 g tartaric acid. After the addition of l.5 ml of H_2O_2 and 5 ml of an Y solution (5 mg/ml) as an internal standard, the solution was diluted to 100 ml and measured by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Two samples having different chemical compositions were analyzed to yield each in good agreement with the analytical values between two individual measurements.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 2004-01-05
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