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Determination of selenium in biological materials by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry using carbon tube atomizer has been impossible, because of the suppression of absorbance of selenium by coexisting materials and of , vaporization of selenium itself during ashing in carbon tube. The proposed method will solve the above problems. Procedure: ( 1) Drying and combustion of samples: Blood; I ml of blood was added to a 70 mg of absorbent cotton which was hung with thread and was dried with a drying oven for 12 hrs. at 60℃. Viscera and flesh; 1 g of the sample was taken on a piece of Japanese paper (5 cm^2) and dried with drying oven for 12hrs. at 60℃. (2) Preparation of test solution: The dried sample was burnt in the oxygen flask. Selenium was taken up in 20 ml of 0.01 N HCl. The solution was passed through a 1×10 cm cation exchange resin column (Amberlite IR-120, hydrogen form) . The column was rinsed with 20 ml of distilled water. The combined solution was transfered to the separating funnel and 2 ml of 20% hydroxylamine hydrochloride and 10ml of 12N HCl were added. Selenium was extracted with 1 ml of 0.01% dithizone carbon tetrachloride. This extracted solution was used as test solution. (3) Analysis: 20μl aliquots of the test solution was injected into the carbon tube with a microsyringe. The carbon tetrachloride in the carbon tube was vaporized by heating for 20 s at 100℃ Then was added 50μl of 0.6% nickel nitrate solution into the carbon tube and the selenium was determined according to the operating condition shown in Table 1. Under this condition, selenium in biological materials could be determined with a recovery of higher than 93% and with a variation coefficient of about 8%.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1977-03-05
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