小泉 淳二
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokushima University
上尾 庄次郎
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
上尾 庄次郎
小泉 淳二
高木 修造
上尾 庄次郎
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kobe Gakuin University
高木 修造
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Mukogawa Women's University
- Structures of Acid B and Related Compounds, Oxidation Products of Lycoramine
- Structure and Synthesis of Acid A, an Oxidation Product of Lycoramine
- Spectroscopic Identification of 3-Substituted 4-Methoxycarbonyl-1,3-thiazolidine(or-oxazolidine)-2-thiones and 2-Substituted Thio-4-methoxycarbonyl-Δ^2-1,3-thiazolines(or -oxazolines)
- Substituent Effect of the Benzene Ring on Thermal Rearrangement of the Substituted Benzyl Group from exo-S to N(3) in (rac)2-Substituted Benzylthio-4-methoxycarbonyl-Δ^2-1,3-thiazolines
- Syntheses of (rac)3-Substituted 4-Methoxycarbonyl-1,3-thiazolidine-2-thiones via Rearrangement of a Substituted Group from exo-S to N in (rac)2-Substituted Thio-4-methoxyarbonyl-Δ^2-1,3-thiazolines
- Studies on Iridoid-Related Compounds. IV. : Antitumor Activity of Iridoid Aglycones
- Isolation of N-Demethylgalanthamine from the Bulbs of Crinum asiaticum L. var. japanicum BAKER (Amaryllidaceae)
- 15.ツベロステモニンの脱水素産物の構造
- Alkaloids of the Amaryllidaceae. A New Alkaloid, Sanguinine, from Lycoris sanguinea MAXIM. var. Kiushiana MAKINO, and Pretazettine from Lycoris radiata HERB.
- Galanthamine Chemistry. V. Formation of Hydroxyapogalanthamine from Galanthaminone and the Synthesis of its Trimethyl Ether.
- Lycoris Alkaloids. XXV. : Studies on the Constitution of Lycoramine. (4).
- 5.B_1と共通のピリミヂン核を有する化合物の合成(II)(第43回会議研究報告要旨)
- 65.葉酸の光分解について(第3回日本ビタミン学会研究報告要旨)
- 29.B_1関連物質の合成(第3回日本ビタミン学会研究報告要旨)
- (3)B_1と共通のピリミヂン核を有する数種の化合體の合成(第41回會議)
- Isolation and Characterization of 10,11-Dihydroatlantone and Related Compounds from Ginkgo biloba L.
- X-Ray Crystallographic Determination of the Structure of the Alkaloid Protostemonine
- The Structure of Stenine, a New Alkaloid Occurring in Stemona Tuberosa
- The structure of the Rearrangement Product obtained by a Prevost-Woodward Reaction on 14-Hydroxydeoxydihydrocodeine Methine
- A Synthesis of Tetrahydrooxocrinine Methine
- Tazettine Chemistry. X. The Structure of Products obtained from O-Methyltazettine Methine Methosalts under the Hofmann Elimination Conditions.
- Lycoris Alkaloids. XXIV. : Isolation and Characterization of Lycoremine.
- 駆虫薬の合成研究 第6・7報
- Tazettine Chemistry. IX. Isomeric Lactones Derived from 1-(2-Hydroxymethyl-4,5-methyl-enedioxyphenyl)-4-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic Acid.
- Galanthamine Chemistry. VII. Synthesis of Analogues of Galanthamine
- Chromic Acid Oxidation of Tazettine.
- Occurrence of the Alkaloids Vittatine and Haemanthamine in Lycoris radiata HERB
- 2-チオチアゾロン誘導体の脱硫反応
- 24.SB_1の塩類に対するRaney-Niの作用(第56回協議会研究報告要旨)
- 25.SB_1に対するRaney-Niの作用(続報)(第54回協議会研究報告要旨)
- 65.S-B_1に対するRaneyNiの反応(第4回日本ビタミン学会研究発表要旨)
- 15.S-B_1のアセチル化とその反応(第46回会議研究報告要旨)
- 35.光分解を受けた葉酸溶液中の葉酸の化學的定量法の檢討(第39回会議研究報告要旨)
- 6.アミノプテリンについて(第38回會議研究報告要旨)
- Oxidation of the Hydrogenation Products of Lycorenine and Homolycorine.
- Structure of Anhydrotaxininol
- The Schmidt Reaction with Some Tetralone and Indanone Derivatives
- Taxine. XIV. The Structure of Isopropylidenedihydrotaxinolactone, an Autooxidation Product of Isopropylidenedihydrotaxinol.
- Galanthamine Chemistry. VI.^ The Synthesis of Deoxydemethyllycoramine