ビタミンB_1類と蛋白との反応にかんする研究 : (VIII)アリシン関連化合物と蛋白との反応生成物のビタミンB_1不顕化作用
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In the previous report, it was observed that C_3H_7SSC_3H_7 (I) or C_3H_7SSC_3H_7 (II) produced protein-propylmercaptan mixed disulfide (III) by the reaction with SH groups of denatured egg albumin. In this report, the interactions of (III) or S-propylmerapto-L-cysteine (IV) with thiol-type thiamine were investigated and following results were obtained. Thiamine propyldisulfide (TPD) was formed by the reaction of thiol-type thiamine with III or IV, and in the case of IV, thiamine-cysteine mixed disulfide was also formed. The extents of reaction of III or IV with thiamine were lower than that of II or allicin ([chemical formula]), In the case of III or IV, the produecd amounts of TPD were markedly dependent on the initial SH (thiamine) : S-S (III, IV) ratio, and it was confirmed that TPD was produced by the thiol-disulfide interchange reaction, formulated as in equation (1) and (2). (1) [chemical formula] (2) [chemical formula]
- 1963-04-25
論文 | ランダム
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