Kinetic Studies on Enzyme Production by Microbes : (I) On Kinetic Models
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Prior to our subsequent reports which deal with the rate processes of microbial enzyme production, some kinetic models are presented which are considered to fit well to the results of observations. These models rest on the assumption that mRNA is the rate-limiting component in the enzyme-forming systems in question under the given experimental conditions. Taking very simple forms, these represent the rate governed by the immanent epigenetic processes including factors pertaining to the stability of mRNA (Eq. (5) ; (16)) and to the repression correlated with the specific growth rate (Eq. (16)). Each of the models stands for each physiological type of processes which are classified according to the correlation between the specific rate of enzyme formation and the specific growth rate (cf. Fig.1,2,3).
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1967-06-25
Kinoshita Shin-ichi
Department Of Fermentation Technology Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Okazaki Mitsuo
Department Of Applied Biology Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu University
Terui Gyozo
Department of Fermentation Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University
Terui Gyozo
Department Of Biochemical Engineering Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Osaka University:(present A
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