チオクロム生成反応 : (III)フエリチアンカリによるビタミンB_1よりチオクロムの生成とpHとの関係
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1 mg% solutions of thiamine mixed with a sufficient amount of buffers between pH 6 and 13,were converted into thiochrome with varied yields by the addition of ferricyanide immediately after mixing. There was found two maximal points for yielding thiochrome, e.g. at pH 9〜10 and over pH 13. Thiamine was left partly unchanged at pH less than 9 and it was chiefly transformed into thiamine disulfide at pH between 11 and 12. If the buffered solution of thiamine was kept standing for 5 minutes at pH 11.5,its oxidation into thiamine disulfide by addition of ferricyanide was nearly complete and no thiochrome was formed, but formation of thiochrome was still observed at its optimal pH at 9 or over 13 even after standing for 30 minutes, although the quicker decrease of thiochrome formation happened over pH 13. As formation of thiamine disulfide was always demonstrated even at the optimal pH for thiochrome-formation, it was concluded that ferricyanide-oxidation of thiamine resulted in thiochrome and thiamine disulfide, to variable proportions, whereas the former was maximal over pH 13 and the latter maximal at pH 11.5.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1961-10-25
- 12.チオクロムよりビタミンB_1の生成反応(第118回協議会研究発表要旨)
- 換気扇による換気量の測定(II) : 公団住宅における換気量の測定
- 換気扇による換気量の測定(I)
- チオクロム生成反応 : (VII)ブロムシアンによるチオチアミンよりチオクロムの生成とpHとの関係
- Dibenzoylthiamineのメタノリシス : (I)DibenzoylthiamineよりO-Benzoylthiamineおよび安息香酸メチルの生成
- チオクロム生成反応 : (VI)ビタミンB_1のフェリシアンカリウムによるチアミンジスルフィッドおよびチオクロムの生成と反応液のpHとの関係
- 7.Dibenzoylthiamimeのメタノリシス(第133回会議研究発表要旨)
- チオクロム生成反応 : (V)フェリチアンカリによるビタミンB_1の酸化におよぼす溶存酸素の影響
- チオクロム生成反応 : (IV)アルカリ性ビタミンB_1溶液の340mμにおける吸収とフェリチアンカリによるチオクロム生成率との関係
- チオクロム生成反応 : (III)フエリチアンカリによるビタミンB_1よりチオクロムの生成とpHとの関係