醤油の産膜性酵母に関する研究 : (第9報)酵母菌体の物理化学的性質と産膜性との関連性
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In the previous paper, we investigated some external factors of the pellicle formation in yeast. But as an internal factor, the pellicle formative activity of yeast cells should be elucidated to understand the fundamental mechanism of the pellicle formation.With this purpose we compared pellicle-forming yeast with non-pellicle-forming one with respect to their sedimentation, specific gravity and electric charge.For the most part, the pellicle forming yeast presented less sedimentation and a smaller specific gravity than the non-pellicle-forming one.Electric charge was estimated by colloidal titration, microscopic electrophoresis and adsorption to ionexchange resines.By the colloidal titration we recognized a strong negative charge on the cell surface of the non-pellicle-forming yeast.The electrophoresis revealed that yeast cells were charged with electricity commonly at negative in the range from pH 3 or 4 to 9 while the non-pellicle forming yeasts was charged much more heavily.The results of the third experiment on the subject of the adsorption of yeast cells to ionexchange resines indicated that the non-pellicle-forming yeast had a stronger ability to resines than pellicle-forming one.In view of these results, we conclude that the lyophilic character of the non-pellicle-forming yeast is derived from its strong electric charge on its surface but that the pellicle-forming yeast being non-lyophlic has a weaker electric charge on its cell surface.To sum up it may be said that the yeast pellicle is formed by the interaction of the lyophobic character and a smaller density of yeast cell population on a medium having a certain value of surface tension.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1971-01-25
岩井 正憲
中浜 敏雄
今原 廣次
中浜 敏雄
中浜 敏雄
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