Studies on Saccharogenic Amylase Produced by Aspergillus awamori : (VI) Purification and General Properties of Less Acid-stable Saccharogenic Amylase
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Purification of less acid-stable saccharogenic amylase produced by a submerged culture of Aspergillus awamori var. fumeus-1-B42 was carried out. A highyly purified less acid-stable saccharogenic amylase preparation, which was proved to be highly homogeneous by ultracentrifugation and electrophoresis in Tiselius apparatus, was obtained by means of treatment with acid clay, precipitations with acetone, with ammonium sulfate and with rivanol, acid treatment, cellulose acetate column zone electrophoresis nad DEAE-cellulose chromatography.General properties of the purified amylase were as follows. The stable pH range was within 3.9 to 8.2. The optimum pH value on soluble starch was about 4.8. The stable temperature was below 40℃ and completely inactivated at 60℃.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1966-07-25
富金 原孝
渡部 一穂
渡部 一穂
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
富金原 孝
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
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