- 論文の詳細を見る
In recent years two new method for the treatment of sewage sludge and organic industrial wastes that approaches disposal have been developed. They are commonly known as the Atomized Suspension Technique and the Zimmermann Process.The present investigation was undertaken to study the burning characteristics of sewage sludge, night-soil and some industrial wastes, and to learn if both the above processes could be applied to sludge and some other wastes in Japan.The results were as follows ;1) The mean calorific values of primary sludge, excess activated sludge and digested sludge from sewage treatment plant was 119,36 and 118 kcal/kg of wer matter, respectively without any process for removing a portion of the water.The organic matter of each sludge would not be fully oxidized itself by wet air combustion without the addition of other fuel.2) When each kind of sludge was settled for 24 hrs, the sludge was thickned to have more than 150 kcal and would be burnt by the Zimmermann process without addition of other fuel.3) The mean calorific values of night-soil was 82 kcal and the concentrated night-soil after settling had more than 400 kcal.4) The correlation between the volatile matter and the calorific values of various sludges and night-soil was significant at high level so that the calorific values of various sludges and night-soil could be assumed by the following formula.Calorific values kcal/kg of wet matter=volatile matter (%) of sludge or night-soil×60.There was also a close correlation between volatile matter and air requirement (C O D by K_2Cr_2O_7).5) Concerning the calorific values of pulp wastes, S. P. was 453,K. P. was 653 kcal and both were discharged at high temperature so that much excess energy would be produced by wet air combustion and meet one half of the total energy requirement of the pupl plant.6) The calorific values of whisky, alcohol and malt wastes was 231,339 and 955kcal/kg of wet matter, respectively. When equivalent discharge mixtures of both whisky and malt wastets were burnt by the Zimmermann process, produced energy would meet all energy requirements of the distilling apparatus.7) Spent liquor of cooked soybean in miso (fermented soy bean paste) factory contained 289kcal and phthalic anhydride waste before recovery of some organic acids had 1224kcal. Both wastes would be able to meet more than the energy requirements of the plant.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1964-02-15
- 埋立処分地におけるガス発生状況の評価
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- 53. 酵母の食用化に関する研究 : 酵母添加魚肉ソーセージの退色の原因とその防止法
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- 140 活性汚泥の新しい生物量・生物活性指標
- 352. 活性汚泥の機能と炭酸ガス発生速度
- 278 大阪市内河川水温の年間変動のシミュレーション
- 277 東横堀川・道頓堀川水質の日間変動のシミュレーション
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- 38.酵母の食用化に関する研究 : 食用酵母の分散度に及ぼす乾燥前の酸, アルカリ及び燐酸塩処理の影響
- 52. 酵母の食用化に関する研究 : 食用酵母の生地醗酵及びパンの品質におよぼす影響(大阪醸造学会第12回講演会研究発表要旨)
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- 74. 醗酵ビタミン飼料に関する研究 (第2報) : Neurospora培養物の実用育雛成績
- 59. Phycomyces nitens のV. A 効果とカロチン生産力(大阪醸造学会第8回講演会研究発表要旨)
- 59.Phycomyces nitensのV.A効果とカロチン生産力(大阪醸造学会第8回講演会研究発表要旨)
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- 56. 微生物のカロチン生産に關する研究 : (第10報) Neurospora sitophilaのカロチン生産に及ぼす光の影響
- 55. Neurospora sitophila培養物の緑餌代替効果
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- Neurospora sitophila によるカロチン強化食品の研究(第5報) : 加熱處理によるConidiaカロチンの安定化
- 重層法による Amylase の測定 (第1報) : 玉川法の検討
- Neurospora sitophilaによるカロチン強化食品の研究(第3報) : 数種食品中のカロチン安定度
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- 界面活性剤の毒性と生物分解性
- アセトアルデヒド製造廃水処理法の検討
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- Neurospora sitophilaによるカロチン強化食品の研究 : (第9報) 味噌熟成中のカロチン増加とその原因
- 微生物のカロチン生産に關する研究(第9報) : Neurospora sitophila Conidia及びカロチンの生産に及ぼす微量の金属鹽の影響について