清酒釀造工業の原料利用率に関する研究 : (第10報) 精米工程及び上槽工程に於ける損失の再検討
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As the unavailable ratio in rice-polishing process in most useful to control the loss due to the crushing of grains, its standard was indicated in the previous paper. Subsequently it was studied to decrease the unavailable ratio and to control its variation. When Yamadanishiki was used, the unvailable ratio decreased, but not satisfactorily in case of using other varietics of rice. Owing to insufficinet sieving, there are produced many waste grains, the ratio of which to perfect ones influences the unavailable ratio and may cause a large loss of rice. Besides, it was found that the unavailabel ratio increased with the progress of polishing.On the other hand, the loss caused by the production of Kasu which contains alcohol in a concentration of 6.4〜7.6 per cent, was fairly correlated with the ratio of Kasu to Moromi and the alcohol content of finished Sake.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1960-07-15
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