塵芥の急速堆肥化処理に関する研究 : 醗酵過程における微生物の挙動
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The authors studies the behaviours of micro-organisms in the fermentation process of the high rate composting of garbage in a small scale pilot plant situated in the premises of Nakamura incineration plant in Kobe; the results obtained are summarized as follows : 1) In order to count the numbers of bacteria in garbage and composts, the following methods were adopted; total numbers of bacteria and glucose-decomposing bacteria were counted by the use of nutrient glucose broth, protein-decomposing bacteria with nutrient gelatin, cellulose-decomposing bacteria with OMELIANSKY's media, coli-form bacteria with B.G.L.B. broth. The plate-counting by the use of WAKSMAN's media was most suitable for the enumeration of fungi in garbage and composts.2) The temperature of composts was 44〜55℃ on the 1st plate of digester, 40〜50℃ on the 2nd plate, 35〜50℃ on the 3rd plate, 23〜37℃ on the 4th plate, and it rose to 60℃ in the end products piled in the open air for 7 days.3) During the fermentation process of high rate composting, thermophilic bacteria, especially glucose-decomposing bacteria, developed on the 1st plate of digester. In the end products piled in the open air for 7 days, molds developed luixuriantly.4) It was found that cellulose-decomposing bacteria acted very feebly upon the process of high rate composting.5) In this digester the temperature dropped gradually from the 1st plate to the 4th plate and consequently the composting did not take place sufficiently. Perhaps it is due to rough selection and insufficient crushing of garbage, scantiness of volume of garbage compared with that of digester and excess of aeration.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1958-03-15
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