- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been concluded in the previous discussion on modified thiamine compounds ^<7>)that any modification of the thiamine molecule will cause loss of activity, unless the modified compounds can be reverted to thiamine in vivo. The similar conclusion will be applied to any modification of vitamins ; their vitamin activity can be expected only when the modified derivatives will be easily converted to the original vitamins in animal or human metabolism. Successful design of new vitamin derivatives as drugs will be differentiated into two directions : 1) More stabilized and easily absorbable modification of vitamins as effective vitamin preparations, 2) more specific and non-revertible modification of vitamins as antivitamins or permanently altered compounds as pharmacological agents. It is necessary to evaluate modified compounds of vitamins from the standpoints of rational development and application of drugs. Misbranded use of modified thiamine compounds such as "acrtive vitamin B_1 preparations" or exaggerated effectiveness should be strictly controlled thru rational evaluation of each modified compound.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1971-02-25
- 1.ビタミンA酸の研究(XIV)ビタミンA酸の74%硫酸反応物の螢光(脂溶性ビタミン総合研究委員会 : 第124回会議研究発表要旨)
- ビタミンA酸の研究 : (VI) ビタミンA酸の物理的性質
- ビタミンA酸の研究 : (V)シロネズミにおけるビタミンA酸-6,7^C_2の代謝実験
- ビタミンA酸の研究 : (IV)動物組織からのビタミンA酸の抽出法ならびに定量法
- ビタミンA酸の研究 : (III)ビタミンA酸の74%硫酸呈色物の検討
- 2.ビタミンA酸の研究(XII) : ビタミンA酸投与後の小腸上部ならびに尿中の代謝物の検討(第109回会議研究発表要旨)
- 1.ビタミンA酸の研究(XI) : ビタミンA酸代謝物の排泄径路(第109回会議研究発表要旨)
- ビタミンA酸の研究 : (II)74%硫酸によるビタミンA酸の新定量法
- ビタミンA酸の研究 : (I)硫酸による呈色反応
- 3.ビタミンA酸の研究(X) : シロネズミにおけるビタミンA酸-6,7^C_2の吸収と体内分布(第106回会議研究発表要旨)