- 論文の詳細を見る
For the manufacture of Koji with Eremothecium Ashbyii which produces vitamin B_2 remarkably, the following processes were adopted.At first, the senior author paid attention to the fact, that the carbohydrates in copra meal consisted mainly of mannan (about 20%), besides 8% crude fibre, which made it very absorptive to water and very incohent too.We treated copra meal first with alkali, then with acid, and after boiling with water the detached fatty acid was washed off. The remaining material, when dried, contained about 40% mannan and about 40% fibre, etc. and by bringing its water content to moderate degree the above mentioned properties became more remarkable.To prepare solid culture medium, the refined copra meal containing proper amount of water (about 80%) was mixed with 30〜50% of "Shobaku"-bran, rice bran, corn flour, defatted soy bean meal, or mixture of any of these materials with wheat flour at the ratio of 7 to 3.After sterilization of the media under 20 lb for 30 minutes, Eremothecium Ashbyii was cultured on them, and we succeeded to obtain flavin-koji enriched in vitamin B_2,as shown in the following table.Content of riboflavin (vitamin B_2) per g dry Koji. 26〜28°C. 10 days[table]
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1951-10-15
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