魚類内臓の処理に關する研究(第2報) : さば内臓の処理
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Entrails of Saba (Scomber japonicus) are in the weight about 13% of the whole fish body ; the liver and pyloric caecum have almost the same size and they together attain about 5% of the body weigth. Vitamin A contained in the liver is relatively high, but its oil content is so small that the oil can not be extracted in that condition. On the contrary, the oil content of pyloric caecum is relatively high and the oil obtained by autolysing it is about 6% but-Vitamin A content in the oil is small.
- 1950-09-15
- 魚類内臓の処理に關する研究(第2報) : さば内臓の処理
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