Eremothecium AshbyiiのビタミンB_2生産に關する研究(第25報) : ペプトーン中の有効成分の檢索
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As for the effects of peptone for the growth and the production of riboflavin by Eremothecium Ashbyii following facts became knoun by this experiment.1. Ash constituent of peptone has no effect.2. As the peptone hydrolysate by strong hydrochloric acid is miore effective, especially for the growth than the untreatos peptone, so tryptophan and strepogenin-like substance are not to be considered as the growth factor.3. According to the fact that the deaminized peptone hydrolysate has a slight effect on the growth and none on the riboflavin production the active component of peptone seems to be amino compound.4. Asparagine and arginine have a little effect on the growth, and none on the riboflavin production.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1950-05-15
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