Streptomyces nitrosporeusによるシアノコバラミンの不活性化 : 新規ビタミンB_<12>モノカルボン酸の生成
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The activity of CN-B_<12> for Escherichia coli 215 was lost by incubating the compound with the cultured broth of Streptomyces nitrosporeus. UV absorption spectra of inactivated corrinoid (SA) were very similar to that of CN-B CN-B_<12> With the only exception of an absorption peak at 1,725 cm^<-1>. SA was a mono-carboxylic acid of CN-B CN-B_<12>, but its behaviors in PPC, PEP and TLC did not agree with those of the known CN-B CN-B_<12> monocarboxylic acids. When SA was hydrolyzed with 0.lN HCl at 370℃ for 64 h, a tetracarboxylic acid containing the lower ligand was obtained. From the above results and elementary analysis, it was concluded that SA was a new CN-B CN-B_<12> monocarboxylic acid possessing an acetic acid group in place of an acetamide group which had never been obtained.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1981-02-25
長谷川 淳三
鐘淵化学工業(株)総合研究所 高砂研究所
渡辺 清
田中 勉
渡辺 清
長谷川 淳三
鐘淵化学工業 総研
長谷川 淳三
鐘淵化学工業 (株) 生物化学研究所
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