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Flavocoenzymes are extremely versatile in that they show broad potentiality in catalysis, as manifested in the wide range of the reactions catalyzed by flavoenzymes. In order for each of the flavoenzymes to express its specific function, the versatility of the coenzyme should be elegantly controlled. This control mechanism lies in the structure-reaction linkage. We have recently solved the high-resolution three dimensional structure of D-amino acid oxidase by X-ray crystallography. On the basis of the tertiary structure of the enzyme-substrate analog complex, the enzyme-substrate complex structure was modeled by means of molecular mechanics simulation. The simulated structure was not compatible with the hitherto recognized reaction mechanisms which require an amino acid residue acting as a catalytic base to abstract the subtrate α-proton. We have introduced two new mechanisms after analyzing the structure-reaction linkage based on the substrate-binding mode and the requirements that the reaction mechanism should suffice. One of them is called the "electronproton-electron transfer mechanism" and is characterized by two one-electron transfer processes intervened by a proton transfer, while the other distinguishes itself in ionic intermediates and is thus called the "ionic mechanism." In both of the mechanisms flavin N(5) rather than an amino acid residue acts as a base for abstracting the substrate α-proton and flavin C(4_a) is the site of electron acceptance from the substrate.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1999-02-25
- 『現代医学は人間をどうみているか-新たな医学概論の試み-』を読んで : 山本哲郎著, ホープ印刷, 2009年
- 造血幹細胞抑制因子LD78のヒト骨組織における遺伝子発現 : エオジン好性骨髄球及び骨芽細胞による分泌と骨改造制御
- アシルCoA酸化酵素・3-ケトアシルCoA複合体の分光学的研究(II)
- 1P076 密度汎関数法のフラビン酵素への適用(蛋白質 D) 機能 : 反応機構、生物活性など)
- D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の還元半反応の速度論的研究
- 2P042アシルCoA脱水素酵素における電荷移動相互作用
- 還元型D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の結晶構造
- 2P04 D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の反応機構2
- 1. 補酵素作用のダイナミズム : 補酵素の機能を支えるアポタンパクの働き
- A Raman Study on the C(4)=O Stretching Mode of Flavins in Flavoenzymes: Hydrogen Bonding at the C(4)=O Moiety
- FT-IR Spectroscopic Studies on the Molecular Mechanism for Substrate Specificity/Activation of Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase
- Intramolecular and Intermolecular Perturbation on Electronic State of FAD Free in Solution and Bound to Flavoproteins : FTIR Spectroscopic Study by Using the C=O Stretching Vibrations as Probes
- Molecular Mechanism of the Drop in the pK_a of a Substrate Analog Bound to Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase : Implications for Substrate Activation
- On the Ligands in Charge-Transfer Complexes of Porcine Kidney Flavoenzyme D-Amino Acid Oxidase in Three Redox States : A Resonance Raman Study
- Substrate Recognition and Activation Mechanism of D-Amino Acid Oxdase:A Study Using Substrate Analogs
- Unusually High Standard Redox Potential of Acrylyl-CoA/Propionyl-CoA Couple among Enoyl-CoA/Acyl-CoA Couples: A Reason for the Distinct Metabolic Pathway of Propionyl-CoA from Longer Acyl-CoAs
- Resonance Raman Study on Reduced Flavin in Purple Intermediate of Flavoenzyme: Use of [4-Carbonyl-^O]-Enriched Flavin
- ブタ腎臓D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の高次構造
- ブタ腎臓D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の大量発現と結晶化
- Three-Dimensional Structure of Rat-Liver Acyl-CoA Oxidase in Complex with a Fatty Acid : Insights into Substrate-Recognition and Reactivity toward Molecular Oxygen
- Structure of the Transition State Analog of Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase. Crystallographic and Molecular Orbital Studies on the Charge-Transfer Complex of Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase with 3-Thiaoctanoyl-CoA
- Three-Dimensional Structure of the Flavoenzyme Acyl-CoA Oxidase-II from Rat Liver, the Peroxisomal Counterpart of Mitochondrial Acy1-CoA Dehydrogenase
- ヒトD-アスパラギン酸酸化酵素の構造と酵素学的性質
- Three-Dimensional Structure of Porcine Kidney D-Amino Acid Oxidase at 3.0 Å Resolution
- Engineering the Substrate Specificity of Porcine Kidney D-Amino Acid Oxidase by Mutagenesis of the "Active-Site Lid"
- Effects of Hydrogen Bonds in Association with Flavin and Substrate in Flavoenzyme D-Amino Acid Oxidase. The Catalytic and Structural Roles of Gly313 and Thr317
- 12.ビタミンB_2依存性オキシダーゼとデヒドロゲナーゼ : 構造的特徴と反応性(第410回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 12.FAD誘導体で再構成した中鎖アシルCoAデヒドロゲナーゼの研究(第406回研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- Theoretical Study on Charge-Transfer Interaction between Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase and 3-Thiaacyl-CoA Using Density Functional Method
- 14.アシルCoAオキシダーゼ・脂肪酸複合体の構造(第402回ビタミンB研究協議会研究発表要旨,ビタミンB研究委員会)
- 6.D-アミノ酸オキシダーゼの基質特異性改変(第398回ビタミンB研究委員会研究発表要旨)
- 8.中鎖アシルCoAデヒドロゲナーゼ-3-チアオクタノイルCoA複合体の構造と分子軌道計算による検証(第395回ビタミンB研究委員会研究発表要旨)
- フラビン酵素と酸素の接点オキシダーゼとデヒドロゲナーゼの選別
- 8. D-アミノ酸オキシダーゼにおける,フラビンをめぐる水素結合の効果 : Thr317の機能的および構造的役割(第394回研究協議会研究発表要旨)
- (4)フラビン酵素における反応制御の構造的基盤(シンポジウム : 「B群ビタミンはどのように働くか」)
- 3.ラット肝臓アシルCoAオキシダーゼの三次構造
- フラビン酵素における反応制御の構造的基盤(シンポジウム1.「B群ビタミンはどのように働くか」)
- Three-Dimensional Structure of the Purple Intermediate of Porcine Kidney D-Amino Acid Oxidase. Optimization of the Oxidative Half-Reaction through Alignment of the Product with Reduced Flavin1
- Mechanism for the Recognition and Activation of Substrate in Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase
- Structural and Mechanistic Studies on D-Amino Acid Oxidase・Substrate Complex: Implications of the Crystal Structure of Enzyme・Substrate Analog Complex
- Spectroscopic Studies of Rat Liver Acyl-CoA Oxidase with Reference to Recognition and Activation of Substrate^1
- 補酵素作用のダイナミズム(シンポジウム「21世紀を迎えたビタミン学」)
- 動物組織中のD-セリンの由来 : セリンラセマーゼ
- 3. D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の紫色中間状態の三次構造と酸化的半反応の最適化
- 1. フラビン酵素の脱水素反応と基質-フラビン相互配置の特徴
- 4. D-アミノ酸オキシダーゼ反応の視覚化 (B群ビタミン酵素 : 立体構造からのファンクションを観る)
- NADPH-シトクロムP450レダクターゼの構造と電子移動
- フラビンをめぐる水素結合の触媒能に及ぼす効果
- (5) フラビン酵素の三次構造解析と反応機構 (ビタミン研究のブレークスルー : 「ビタミンB_2」)
- 6. D-アミノ酸酸化酵素におけるフラビン-タンパク質間の水素結合の役割
- フラビン酵素における構造と反応の連携
- 6. _アミノ酸酸化酵素のGly313の役割について
- D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の三次構造と反応機構
- 3.D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の精密構造解析 : 電子移動反応の理解に向けて : ビタミンB研究委員会平成8年度シンポジウム : キノプロテインとフラビン酵素研究の新展開
- ブタ腎臓D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の三次構造
- 6.D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の基質-フラビン-タンパク質相互作用と電子移動について : ビタミンB研究委員会第354回会議研究発表要旨
- 4.ブタ腎臓D-アミノ酸酸化酵素の結晶構造 : ビタミンB研究委員会第352回会議研究発表要旨
- ほ乳類アシルCoAデヒドロゲナーゼの触媒塩基と基質特異性
- フラビン酵素における構造と反応の連携
- 高等動物におけるD-アスパラギン酸酸化酵素および、D-アスパラギン酸について
- 4.ヒト脳D-アスパラギン酸酸化酵素について : ビタミンB研究委員会第358回会議研究発表要旨