- 論文の詳細を見る
The human vitamin D receptor(VDR)gene is comprised of 11 exons that together with intervening introns span approximately 75 kilobases. The noncoding 5' end of the gene includes exons 1A, 1B, and 1C. Eight additional exons (exons 2-9) encode the structural portion of the VDR gene product. While primer extension and S1 nuclease mapping studies reveal several common transcriptional start sites, three unique mRNA species are produced as a result of the differential splicing of exons 1B and 1C. Fusion of DNA fragments containing putative promoter sequences upstream of the luciferase structural gene resulted in significant reporter activity. An intron fragment 3' of exon 1C conferred retinoic acid responsivity when fused to a reporter gene plasmid, suggesting a molecular mechanism for the previously observed ability of retinoic acid to induce the VDR. The effect of a T-C transition polymorphism at the translation initiation codon of the human VDR gene on the biological function of the encoded protein was investigated. Of 239 Japanese women volunteers subjected to genotype analysis for this polymorphism, 13% were genotype MM (the M allele is ATG at the putative translation start site), 31% were genotype mm (the m allele is ACG at the putative translation start site), and 55% were genotype Mm. The bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine (L2-L4) was determined for 110 healthy premenopausal women and was shown to be 12.0% greater for mm homozygotes than for MM homozygotes. The extent of vitamin D-dependent transcriptional activation of a reporter constract under the control of a vitamin D response element in transfected HeLa cells was 〜 1.7-fold greater for the m type VDR than for the M type protein. These results suggest that the polymorphism at the translation start site of the VDR gene may modulate BMD in premenopausal Japanese women.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1998-12-25
- 2-I-9 腎II型ナトリウム依存性リン酸輸送担体 Npt2aを介した新規ビタミンD代謝調節機構(一般演題,日本ビタミン学会第62回大会発表要旨)
- 1.甲状腺疾患におけるリン・ビタミンD代謝異常の分子メカニズムの解明(第326回会議研究発表要旨,脂溶性ビタミン総合研究委員会)
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- カルシウム・リン代謝と生体機能 (静脈・経腸栄養(第3版)--基礎・臨床研究のアップデート) -- (代謝管理)
- ビタミンと代謝 (静脈・経腸栄養(第3版)--基礎・臨床研究のアップデート) -- (代謝管理)
- ビタミン (特集 イチから学ぶ ナースのための栄養のキホン) -- (栄養素のはたらきと過不足による人体への影響)
- 小児科領域におけるS-1108細粒剤の基礎的・臨床的総合評価
- HP-175-2 肝移植患者の代謝栄養状態評価としての呼吸商の推移(肝移植3,ハイブリッドポスター,第109回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 1-III-11 Fibroblast Growth Factor 15遺伝子の発現に及ぼす食餌性リン及び1,25(OH)_2D_3の影響(一般研究発表,日本ビタミン学会第61回大会研究発表要旨)
- 2-II-19 甲状腺ホルモン受容体β1を介したビタミンD合成酵素(CYP27B1)遺伝子の転写抑制機構(一般研究発表,日本ビタミン学会第61回大会研究発表要旨)