柴田 叡弌
柴田 叡弌
西口 陽康
山中 勝次
村田 武彦
柴田 叡弌
柴田 叡弌
Nara Forest Experiment Station
- スギカミキリの繁殖適応度における雌成虫サイズの役割
- 奈良県のスギおよびヒノキ若齡造林地で採集された野ネズミ類
- 近畿地方におけるスギドクガの大発生について
- 大発生時のスギドクガ幼虫密度と被害葉量について
- スギドクガの大発生がスギの肥大生長におよぼす影響について
- Control Method of the Adult Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae), Using the Nonwoven Fabric Sheet with an Entomogenous Fungus, Beauveria brongniartii(SACC.)PETCH, in Japanese Cedar, Cryptomeria japonica D.DON, Stand
- A Study of the Subcortical Insect Community in Pine Trees : I. Oviposition and Emergence Periods of Each Species
- ヒノキの落葉とエチレン生成
- スギ-スギ二段林の下木に発生した冠雪害
- スギ林におけるスギカミキリ成虫と被害木の空間分布
- Monitoring and Sampling Adult Populations of the Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), by the Sticky Trap Banding Method in Japanese Cedar Stands
- The Influence of Temperature upon the Activity of the Adult Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
- Adult Density of the Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae), in Damaged Stands of Japanese Cedar, Cryptomeria japonica D.DON.
- Application of an Entomogenous Fungus, Beauveria brongniartii (SACC.) PETCH, for Control of the Adult Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
- Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), on Japanese Cedar Trees
- Dispersal Movement of the Adult Japanese Pine Sawyer, Mono-chamus alternatus HOPE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) in a Young Pine Forest
- Seasonal Fluctuation of the Pine Wood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (STEINER et BUHRER) NICKLE (Nematoda : Aphelenchoididae), Transmitted to Pine by the Japanese Pine Sawyer, Monochamus alternatus HOPE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
- Seasonal Changes and Spatial Patterns of Adult Populations of the Sugi Bark Borer, Semanotus japonicus LACORDAIRE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), in Young Japanese Cedar Stands
- Seasonal Fluctuation and Spatial Pattern of the Adult Population of the Japanese Pine Sawyer, Monochamus alternatus HOPE (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae), in Young Pine Forests
- スギ林・ヒノキ林およびコナラ林で採取した林内雨と樹幹流の性質およびそれらが表層土壌に与える影響(立地)
- 奈良県におけるスギ凍裂害の実態(II) : 被害林分内での被害の発生状況