69 サシキ品種の成立についての考察
- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, there are many native races of forest trees, which are customarily propagated by cuttings. They are acting the same role as these of the agricultural crops, but are not considered as clones. They are clone complexes, i. e. the populations consist of resembling clones.Some one says that these races formed themselves at first as clones. Then, thoughtless treatments of most foresters spoilt them and brought them into much complicated constitution as they are showing at present.This opinion, however, is very hardly acceptable, because cuttings are customarily collected in a very few number from a single tree, and forest plantation, on the other hand, requires usually large amount of planting materials. It seems to be necessary for growing up a clone, overcoming the above mentioned difficulties, that the genetic conception of clones has already been firmly established.The following explanation seems, therefore, to be more reasonable that these races have naturally become evident in the course of successive vegetative propagation, and they substantially include many resembling clones.In a population originated from seeds, each tree has a genotype different from any other tree, and genetic character can take any possible combination each other. When people start to propagate the trees by cuttings refusing the sexual means, they cannot collect cuttings from all the trees included in the population. The number of genotypes becomes, therefore, much decreased, and no more genotypes can be introduced into the population. As the vegetative generation progresses, the included genotypes become smaller and smaller in their number, number of individuals of the same genotype becomes larger and larger, till at last, foresters can easily recognize that some morphological characters are closely relating to some sylvicultural characteristics. Now it is possible to select desirable trees by means of their morphological characters. After several repeated selection, the races are established as those provided with the desirable properties and certain morphological characters.Two or more clones very closely resembling can not easily be separated in the course of the race formation. It is evident that in the sexual population there are many closely resembling genotypes. It is reasonable to suppose that some of these have been brought into the vegetative population together, when the correlation has become evident between certain morphological and sylvicultural characters. Then, these resembling clones will be all equally selected and included in the same race.These two phenomena can be clearly demonstrated on the paper using the model population (Figs. 1 & 2).It is possible, among our native races of Cryptomeria and Thujopsis, there may be some real clones. In some districts, the races have originated from the small number of seedlings or cuttings, which was introduced from the other districts. In these cases, it is highly possible that the races are real clones. We have, however, no means to ascertain it, so we must treat them also as possible clone complexes.The circumstances are quite different from the above in the case of horticultural trees. In these, it is much easier that the races have been established as the clones from the beginning.From the stand point of the racial improvement, we must immediately start to separate the most desirable genotypes out of these native races to establish real clones.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1952-12-25
- マツのシンクイムシ被害のクローン間差について
- ミキを切断した採種木の枝の立ち上がりを防ぐ生長素処理法
- 軟X線写真によるマツの異常胚種子の検出と, その出現頻度
- 品種とその役割り
- 日本における, 国の事業としての林木育種概観
- ガンマー線照射がスギの発芽および生育におよぼす影響
- ミキを切断した採種木の枝の立ち上りを防ぐ生長素処理法 : 3年目に認められる残効
- 生立本数と枝張りとの関係
- ミショウスギ成木と, そのサシキあるいはツギキ苗からのサシキ活着率との関係
- スギの遺伝変動に関する研究(第72回日本林学会大会)
- 九州林木育種場におけるサシスギ在来品種基準系統の育成と, その際品種内の母樹間に見られたサシキ枯れ率の差異について
- スギのネリザシの効果
- 精英樹の選抜率と棄却検定結果との対応について
- 植物油含有率の簡単な測定法
- タネはマツカサにどうついているか
- Horsholm樹木園の樹木記録法
- 枝張りの程度のあらわしかた II : スギ"クモトオシ"とヒウガアカマツでの結果
- 枝張りの程度のあらわし方 : キリシマアカマツでしらべた1例
- クロマツのミドリの枝分れ
- スギのサシホをクローネのどこからとるかについて
- 43 キリのタネの発芽に及ぼす散光の効果
- 50 ニセアカシヤ種子の熱湯処理に依る発芽促進について
- 研究及び研究方法の動向調査 : 育林関係
- 再びサシキ品種について : 中村教授の御批判に答えて
- 69 サシキ品種の成立についての考察
- 林木の品種について
- サシキの根はどこにできるか
- 37 としとつたキリの木からさし木苗を仕立る方法