15 挿木實行上重要視すべき二三の問題、特に青島トゲナシニセアカシヤの挿木について
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1 Though the result in cutting depend on the rooting ability of the cuttings themselves, the decay and dry of them are considered most important factors which cause the cuttings to do poor rooting.From the above mentioned points, the researches about the cuttings of Chinto-togenashiniseakashia" (Robinia pseudoacacia var. bessoniana) have been done.2 This specie of tree is liable to be easily affected by phytopathogenic bacteria, and cuttings planted during the period from May to September are particularly subject to decay due to the physiological conditions of the cuttings themselves and also the subterranean temperature (above 20℃) ; and therefore the rooting percentage is brought nearly to nought.3 These phytopathogenic bacteria are ubiquitously distributed, so it seems to be desirable that the cuttings may be treated with disinfectants which have durable effect of sterilization for those bacteria and harmless for the cuttings, but the effective disinfectants are now under researching.4 The rooting ability is extremely poor - a phenomenon inherent to this specie of tree -, but in this regard, it has been revealed that rooting ability can be promoted considerably by mean of that rooting ability can be promoted considerably by mean of treatment with growth substances or by one which combines this and hot water treatment of 35℃.Owing to the result of this study, the method of securing the saplings from cutting of "Chinto-togenashiniseakashia, " which have 100% rooting possibility as well as excellent root system and growth potentiality, have been established.5 Stem-burying method is intended for doing away with all sorts of care which should have to be taken in the case of cutting.It is a method which utilizes cuttings in such a way as multiplication can be obtained even on jairly dry ground of hillsides.The same materials in the case of cutting method are buried into the ground.Thus dryness of materials is avoided and at the same time the moisture often proves promotive to the rooting, thereby demonstrating its promising prospect as a multiplication method.6 The subjects of above mentioned are considered very important not only in the cutting of this specie but also in that of the other species of tree, especially difficult trees.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1949-04-30
- 35 ドケナシニセアカシヤの挿木について(第2報) : 大量増殖に關する研究
- ○「特用樹種」倉田盆二郎著, 朝倉書店, 昭和24年7月發行
- 15 挿木實行上重要視すべき二三の問題、特に青島トゲナシニセアカシヤの挿木について