47 スギの挿木の水吸に就て
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It is well known that cuttings of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. DON) sometimes survive considerably long without rooting. Of these cuttings without roots, some form callus tissues on the cut end and other show no responses apparently. Some authors have been presumed that formation of callus tissue results increase of the water intake by cuttings. But no experimental data have been shown. To make clear these presumptions, some series of experiments were carried out. I. Transpiration rates were compared on cuttings of sugi of three types of responses ; rooted, not rooted but callused, and apparently showing no responses. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Rooted cuttings transpired much more than those without roots, among which callused ones showed slightly higher rates of transpiration as compared with those without callus. The differences between them were statistically significant, but difference observed between the two types of unrooted cuttings may be negligible in the practice of cuttings (Fig. 1) 2. Change in the rates of transpiration of cuttings without root was nearly proportional to the change in the rates of evaporation measured by HIRATA'S evaporimeter. In the case of rooted cuttings, transpiration rates showed the same direction of change with the latter, though not proportional. 3. The transpiration of rooted cuttings increased day by day, probably due to the growth of the roots (Fig. 2). II. Entrance of water into unrooted cuttings with callus tissue was traced by means of colored solutions. The occurrence of dye was taken as evidence of entrance of water. Microscopic examination showed thas path of dye could be traced to gap of callus tissues and wounds.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1950-08-25
一般社団法人日本森林学会 | 論文
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