8 木材炭化に關する研究(第1報) : 木材の含水量と乾溜生産物との關係(1)
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The authors carried this study with woods of Quercus serrata Thunb. containing various quantities of water, using iron retort of about 7 L. capacity. To obtain samples of various moisture contents, the woods were treated in three different ways, as follows ;(A) Woods were cut down and air-dried up to such moisture contents as 40%, 30%, 25%, 10%, and less than 10% respectively.(B) Air-dried wood of lower than 10% moisture content were dipped in water to absord it fully and then air-dried again up to such moisture content as 40%, 30%, and 25%, respectively.(C) Woods freschly cut down were soon dipped in water to absorb it fully. The authors obtained the foollowing results in this study : (1) In yields of the products of the destructive distillation on weight of the samples, charcoal, acids in distilled liquor (mostly acetic acid) and wood-gas (including loss) increased, and distilled liquor (including settled tar) decreased, according as moisture content of the samples decreased.(2) But moisture content of the samples had not any effect on the yields of these products per weight of the absolutely dry samples.(3) According as moisture content of the samples decreased, concentration of acids in distilled liquor increased.(4) Volumetric gravity of charcoal was largest in the case of wood not air-dried after being cut down.(5) In the destructive distillation, water was distilled almost at 100〜150℃ in the retort, the wood was decomposed gradually at 150〜250℃ and then temperature rised rapidly, much distilled liquor was run out, and much wood-gas was exhausted at 250〜350℃. The wood-gas was composed of CO_2 and CO for the most part at 150〜300℃, namely of about 60% CO_2 and 20〜30 CO.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1950-02-25
- 719. 穿孔虫類の食性について : (5)穿孔虫類とカブトムシおよびマツカレハ幼虫の炭水化物加水分解酵素の比較(第76回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
- II. 林産学
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- 9 木材炭化に関する研究(第2報) : 木材の含水量と乾溜生産物との關係(2)
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- 15 木材炭化に關する研究(第3報) : 炭材の含水量と黒炭の收量及び品質との關係
- 731. 穿孔虫類の食性について(第4報) : カミキリムシの一種(Afalimna litruta?)の幼虫の消化酵素(第75回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
- 217. 穿孔虫類の食性について(第3報) : カミキリムシの一種(Afalimna litruta ?)の幼虫の炭水化物加水分解酵素(第74回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
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- 706. 木材炭化現象に関する研究(VII) : 木材組成分の変化について(第67回日本林学大会プログラム)
- 705. 木材炭化現象に関する研究(VI) : 木炭の皮付きと割れについて(第67回日本林学大会プログラム)
- 704. 木材炭化現象に関する研究(V) : 炭材の性質について(第67回日本林学大会プログラム)
- 414. 木材炭化現象に関する研究(第IV報) : 水分の炭化温度に及ぼす影響(第63回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
- 507. 木材炭化現象に関する研究(第II報) : 炭化温度の経過に就いて
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- 8 木材炭化に關する研究(第1報) : 木材の含水量と乾溜生産物との關係(1)
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