- 論文の詳細を見る
Form single seed of Abies or Robinia more than one seedling. may develop. Referring to know instances of heteroploid twin seedlings, the chromosome numbers have been determined of only 3 twin seedlings of Abies firma and of 57 twins of Robinia Pseudacacia. of this material, all plants but 3 seedlings (2 Robinia and 1 Abies) have the normal chromosome number, viz. 2n-24 in Abies, 2n-ca. 20 in Robinia. One of the above 2 abnormal Robinia is a haploid with 2n-ca. o 10 and the other is a tetraploid with 2n-ca. 40,and the abnormal Abies is a tetraploid with 2n-48. It is emphasized that polyploids have been induced without doing pollinations or physicochemical treatments. The causes of appearances of twin seedlings are not still clear, but it is worthy to note that the more highly trees are hybridized, the more twin seedlings would appear according to the difference of the chromosome behaviour.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1949-02-28
- ○ニオイヒバの人爲四倍體
- 四倍性タイワンギリの外部形態と木繊維
- (4)林木双芽種子に現はれた倍数體
- (1) 林木の倍數體
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- コルヒチン處理に依る林木育種の研究 : I. 綜合抄録
- 野口彌吉氏著「非メンデル式作物育種法」, A5判, 292頁, 定價3圓50銭, 養賢堂發行, 昭和16年12月