茨城縣下に於ける茂道松植栽の成績 (第2回報告)
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In the coast region very near the southern end of Kumamoto Prefecture there is a place restricted to a small area called Modo. It is very conspicuous that the pine tree standing in this area, at a glance this pine seems to be a local race of Pinus Thunbergu Part., has remarkably long pole compared with the trunk of pine showing normal height as the ordinary one of Pinus Thunbergu. Thus, this race is called particurarly "Modo-matsu" distinguished from the japanese name of P. Thunbergu "Kuromatsu, " and this race is very popular as special long poled one among lumberman in Kiushiu.On 1934 the seedlings of this pine were planted, mixed with the "Kuromatsu" (P. Thundergu), on sand dune in the coast region of Ibaraki Prefecture far to north from the original home of this pine, the seeds were introduced and the seedlings were produced in the nursery "Semba" near "Mito" Ibaraki Prefecture.After the nine years, it is found that the mean height of "Modo-matsu" is showing the decidedly larger number than that of "Kuromatsu" (P. Th) as follows : mH of Modo-matsu=2.76±0.021 (m)mH of Kuromatsu=2.29±0.022 This fact above mentioned is main contents of the ffrst report informed on 1943.This paper is written as the second report concerning the same plantation of Modo-matsu.a) Sample : -The distribution of numbers of tree relating to diameter and heigth in the sample plot are shown in Table 1. and Table 2.b) Comparison of diameter : -From the Table 1. and Table 2. the mean diameters, standard deviations and coefficients of variation are computed as Table 3. shows. From this table mD_1-mD_2=D_3=1.14 (cm)Provable error of D_3=√<γ_1^2+γ_2^2>=γ_3=√<0.057^2+0.051^2>=0.067 Thus, D_3=1.14±0.076,same time D_3>3γ_3.Therefore, this result is significant.c) Comparison of height : -Also from Table 1. and Table 2. the following culculatinos are odtained.mH_1-mH_2=H_3=0.59 Provable error of H_3=√<γ_1^2+γ_2^2>γ_3=√<0.028^2+0.030^2>=0.041 Thus, H_3=0.59±0.041,same time H_3>3γ_3 Threfore, this result is significant.d) Comparison of relative variations : -For the case of diameter the following computation has been practised : c.v_1-c.v_2=c.v_3=-7,28 Provable error of c.v_3=√<γ_1^2+γ_2^2>γ_3=√<1.014^2+1.328^2>=1.67 Thus, c.v_3=-7.28±1.67,same time c.v_3>3γ_3.Therefore, this result is significant.For the case of height : c.v_1-c.v_2=c.v_3=-5,96 Provable error of c.v_3=√<γ_1^2+γ_2^2>γ_3=√<0,558^2+0,755^2>=0,94 Thus, c.v_3=-5,96±0,94,same time c.v_3>3γ_3 Therefore, this result is significant, namely, it means the variations for diameter and height are always smaller for "Modo-matsu" than for "Kuromatsu".e) Tree-height curves : -From the numbers in Table 1. and Table 2. the tree-height curves are obtained as follows : (see Plate 1.)For the case of "Modo-matsu, "H=aD^b+c ∴ log (H-c)=log a+b log D, thus, log (H-1,2)=0,006005+0,601824 log D.Tor the case of "Kuromatsu" (ordinary species of P. Thunbergu), H=ae^<-b/D>+c ∴ log (H-c)=log a-b log e/D, thus, log (H-1,2)=0,648823-1,20998/D.Summary It shall be twice recognised that the height of "Modo-matsu" is still keeping the superior position for the ordinary japanese black pine (P- Thunbergu). As the result of the second measurement, it is found that not only the height but the diameter is also larger for "Modo-matsu" than for "Kuromatsu." In addition to above, the relative variations of both diameter and height are always smaller for "Modo-matsu" than for "Kuromatsu", namely, the sizes of single tree are relatively more uniform for "Modo-matsu" than for "Kuromatsu".Thus, it can be advised that the strand forest of Ibaraki Prefecture, at present, mainly composed of the native japanese black pine ("Kuromatsu" P. Thunbergu), shall be improved as the better one for forestry by introducing "Modo-matsu" from the home land "Kiushiu".Under the present state, concerning to the tree-heinght curve, there is discussion no more. (April 194
- 日本森林学会の論文
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