アカマツ, クロマツのタネの発芽と貯藏物質の変化 : 顕微化学の方法による
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Samples were taken at such five different stages in germination as : I. dry seed; II. and III. two and four days after set on seed bed, respectively; IV. appearance of the crack; V. appearance of the radicle.Because the seeds of P. densiflora showed very poor germination per cent, part of them were exposed to a low temperature of 5℃ for two weeks. (Fig. 1.) The methods of observation on the stored food in seed of pines are listed in Table 1.1. pH. Table 2 illustrates the pH values for the endosperm and different parts of the embryo at every stage indicated above. In the low temperature, value of H. ion concentration the endosperm and the root cap went down.2. Starch. Starch was found in the endosperm in the stages throughout from I to IV, but in stage V it disappeared. On the other hand, occurrence of starch in the embryo was very light in stage I, but it became frequent in the root cap with the progress of germination. In stage V, cells with a special form came into existence in the embryo of P. densiflora, but it was not observed in P. Thunbergii. (Fig. 4) 3. Reducing sugar. In the endosperm reducing sugar came out around the embryo, and in the embryo it emerged in stages I and II. However, in the root cap it decreased with the progress of germieation.4. Non-reducing sugar. In the endosperm non-reducing sugar rose in all places, and its behavior was similar to that in reducing sugar in the embryo.5. Fat. Changes of it during the germination was small.6. Protein. Protein in the endosperm did not change throughout stages I and V. The changes in the embryo on the dry seed were few, but increased in root initial, hypocotyl and cotyledon with the progress of the later stages.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1955-11-25
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- アカマツ, クロマツのタネの発芽と貯藏物質の変化 : 顕微化学の方法による
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- クロマツ, アカマツのタネの発芽と種皮
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- ○Physiology of Seeds(タネの生理学), CROCKER and BARTON., XV+267., MaGraw-Hill Book Co., , New York., 1953., $6.50.
- 森林植物の発芽生理