手を触れずに甘さ, 空洞がわかる
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The possibility of using the MRI technique for non-destructive evaluation of the quality of watermelons is described. MRI is characterized by its capability for non-destructive and non-invasive internal testing. Therefore it has a great potential to become a useful non-destructive detection technique in many fields, in cluding agricultural engineering. Recently several attempts have been made to apply the MRI technique to agriculture. Using the technique, we developed a non-destructive testing method for watermelons, which can detect an internal void and measure sugar content. For the void detection, a 1-D MRI method was adopted, to increase the measurement rate. For the sugar content measurement, we found a correlation between the sugar content and the NMR relaxation time in watermelons. Applying this relationship, we developed method for measuring their sugar content.
- 社団法人日本磁気学会の論文
- 1998-05-01
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- 手を触れずに甘さ, 空洞がわかる
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